Studio Gallo internal organisation

(organisation and general management of the activities)
Diploma in Industrial studies with specialisation in Electrotechnology
1 project manager
(design, personnel coordination, electrical measurements and testing)
Diploma in Industrial studies with specialisation in Electrotechnology
1 project technician
(data transfer and design, design start-up)
Dottore Magistrale in Disegno Industriale
1 technical/contabile
(Contabilità, Amministrazioine e rapporti con i Clienti)
Diploma di ragioneria
1 technical/administrative clerk
(Trasferimento dati su supporto informatico e disegno
Contabilità Lavori Pubblici)
Specialisation diploma

The persons listed above are employed in the office through a regular work contract.

Other professionals occasionally help these employees, and render their collaboration in case of specific projects.

Organization chart

Organigramma dello Studio Gallo e di Tecnomisure.