
  • The Customer is the point of arrival and judge of all our actions
  • Studio Gallo intends cooperation as being part of the customers’ activities, assessing their needs, satisfying their demands.
  • Facing problems, finding solutions together are the basis of our philosophy.
  • The achievement of the objectives, through innovative solutions and ideas, takes place following the current safety standards and in total respect of the environment.
  • We are always looking for new ideas: on the basis of knowledge we orient our gaze to the future.
  • As for the ancient alchemists our challenge is to combine to their best the different factors which participate in the creative process.
  • Our commitment is to build a world of safe and sustainable energy with you; in this we are partners.

...it is by seeking the impossible that man has always thought and realized the possible. Whoever is wisely stopped at the possible is not badly advanced by a step.
Bakunin, Russian philosopher and anarchist